Senior Movie 2022 Winners
Main Competition Jury during Senior Movie 2022 in the lineup:
Małgorzata Sobieszczańska, Julian Zawisza, Arkadiusz Buszko has granted awards in Main Competiton:
Dajla: Cinema and oblivion
directed by: Arturo Dueñas Herrero Spain
A beatifully told story of life of a West Saharan community in extremely difficult survival conditions in refugee camp, which with over time changed in desert village. An extremely suggestive image achieved with simple means of the film language. The strength of the story is women’s attitude, who despite unfavorable reality, fight to make their dreams come true.
For European audiences the realism is so surprising, that it seems like a created surrealism. Their simple life becomes a metaphor for the fragility of survival, which is emphasized on the screen by the disturbing and constantly blowing wind that announces the impending storm.
directed by: Pat Battistini USA
A deeply humanistic story about a problem, that applies to all of us: the right to euthanasia. Well written script with expressive characters, surprises, tension and mystery. The story arouses great emotions and discussion. One can agree or disagree with the message – right to conscious death – but it is certainly a notable voice in this polemic.
Television Head
directed by:Alistair Kerr Great Britain
A funny story about media addiction. With subtle dramaturgy, characteristic painting and black humour.
Jury has also given Honorary Mentions:
1.Rosa Rosae. A Spanish Civil War Elegy
directed by: Carlos Saura Spain
Pure minimalistic and very personal story about growing up in the shadow of war. Through the use of poignant song, traumatic memories return to the screen like a chorus
Czysta minimalistyczna i bardzo osobista opowieść o dorastaniu w cieniu wojny. Poprzez wykorzystanie przejmującej pieśni, traumatyczne wspomnienia powracają na ekranie jak refren.
The Trunk
directed by: Ray Nomoto Robison USA
How to cleverly and without aggression excape a violent situation as an artist. A serious problem is treated seriously and with distance. It leaves the viewer feeling satisfied.
Senior Topic Competition Jury during Senior Movie 2022 in the lineup:
Katarzyna Tchórz, Jarosław Błahy, Erazm Dominiak has granted award to:
„Tego się nie robi kotu”
directed by: Jan Gębski Poland
For the great presentation of the human-cat relationship, for the successful attempts to perceive the world through the eye of a cat that becomes the eye of the camera. For the immportalization of a woman descending from this world and her friend Sikorek, for the intimacy of longing to say goodbye, for the lack of cheap manipulative tricks related to tearing the audience with emotions. For the sense of the absurdity of life and death.
Jury has also given Honorary Mentions:
1)The End of Two Lives
directed by: Christina Ruloff Switzerland
For the perfect presentation of the emotional sinusoid of the end of personal existence in the light of ataraxia of emptiness. For preparing to Life after Death”.
2)The Sculptor
directed by: Catherine Deptuch USA
For great performances by main actors.
Audience award is given to:
The Trunk
directed by: Ray Nomoto Robison USA