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Main Competition Jury:


Małgorzata Sobieszczańska

Writer, scriptwriter, lecturer. Graduated Theater Knowledge in Warsaw Theater Academy and Screenplay Study in Film School in Łódź. Scriptwriting lecturer in Warsaw Film School and in Film High School. She taught in courses and workshops in Centrum Kultury Filmowej im. Andrzeja Wajdy, Speakers Avenue and Sztuka Wyboru workshops organized by Tumult Foundation – Camerimage festival organizer. 2017 – written screenplay for feature film – “Zgoda”, directed by Maciej Sobieszczański. Written screenplays for TV series, including: „Egzamin z życia”, „Tancerze”, „Druga szansa” and for documentaries-fictionalized, including films about Marian Wieleżyński and Rudolf Weigl. Author of radio plays, such as: „Ostatni akt”, „Motel w pół drogi”, „Milena”. Member of Selection Committee in script competition Script Pro.
As an actress: played Mewa in “Córki Dancingu” by Agnieszka Smoczyńska. Written books: “Z ostatniej chwili” – nominated for Wielki Kaliber award in debut category, “Kilka dni lata” and “Drugi koniec świata” were on first place of bestsellers on Member of Screenwriters Union – Screenwriters Guild and Film Women.


Arkadiusz Buszko

Actor, choreographer, director. Graduated Acting in Theater School (1990). From 1990 connected with Teatr Współczesny in Szczecin, where he was an actor, choreographer and director. Debuted in “Sodoma” directed by Julian Stryjkowski. Collaborates with theaters in whole Poland, including Krakow, Wrocław, Warsaw, Łódź, Poznań, Katowice and others. He was a part of more than two hundred plays as an actor, director and choreographer. In Szczecin, he collaborates with Teatr Współczesny, Teatr Kana, Stowarzyszenie Kamera, Teatr Pleciuga, Teatr 3, Opera na Zamku, Filharmonia, Zamek Książąt Pomorskich. Creator of Szczeciński Teatr Pantomimy, outdoor spectacles and performances. Educator cooperating with Akademia Sztuki. Leads workshops that include acting, choreography and others. Collaborates with Houses of Culture as a creator and educator. He was a President advisor in terms of culture and member of Artistic Comission in Kontrapunkt festival in Szczecin. Film and TV actor (“Ławeczka”, “Odwilż”). Awarded the Cross of Merit for his artistic achievements; received multiple times the “Amber Ring” award for artistic, choreographic, directing and overall achievements. Received Artistic Award of the City of Szczecin.


Julian Zawisza

Gained film knowledge by himself. Started making films as a child – hand drawn stop motion animations. He debuted at festivals with a documentary that became a legend – “Zadanie domowe”. His films were presented in Poland and cities around the world: New York, Tibilisi, Klagenfurt, Hannover, Dresden, Wiesbaden, Stockholm. Created his first film club over 50 years ago. He leads AKF “AKT” and AKF “Laterna Magica”. He was a member of Federation of Independent Filmmakers and it’s first management, director of combined festivals Pol-8 and OKFA in Polanica, jury member on independent and animated film festivals. Fo years he was a photoreporter and editor in “Panorama Legnicka”. He was invited to the Presidential Palace among the people of culture involved in the work of children and for children. Very colorful and wide range of interests: from poetry, through almost all fields of art, to videorart, experimental film and non-camera. During 1980s he was associated with Legnickie Centrum Kultury and film club “Laterna Magica”. Creator of Legnicka Akademia Filmowa. Creates and works in Legnica.


Senior Topic Competition Jury:


Erazm Dominiak

A mechanical engineer by profession, now retired. Member of choirs in Szczecin University of Technology (now Collegium Maiorum). Film amateur. Received Audience Award and Honorary Mention in Main Competition during Senior Movie 2021 for his film “Spotkanie z Artystą”.


Katarzyna Tchórz

Finished cultural studies. Painter, draftswoman. She published columns, essays and edited art department in artistic quarterly “sZaFa”. She was a part of group and individual exhibitions. She creates illustrations book and CD covers, including: M. Południak “Pierwsze wspomnienie wielkiego głodu”, J. Jakubowski “Wojna”, “Ciemna dolina”, J. Błahy “Zaklęty w szerszenim gnieździe”, Odraza “Rzeczom”. She lives and works in Szczecin. Cinema lover.


 Jarosław Błahy

Prose writer, essayist, theater instructor, major in polish philology (Szczecin University 1993). He debuted as a poet in Cultural Quarterly „Pogranicza” in 1997. In 1999-2003 he was an theater instructor in House of Culture in Gryfice, where he run a theater group „La Strada”. In 2009 FORMA Publishing House published his first book – collection of essays „Literatura jako lustro”. Between 2010-2015 he published critical texts in extreme music magazines („7Gates”, „Atmospheric” and „Pestis Spiritus”). In 2019 FORMA published collection of stories „Rzeźnik z Niebuszewa”. He was a prose writer in „Antologie współczesnych polskich opowiadań” 2011, 2017, 2020. In 2021 his next novel was published „Zaklęty w szerszenim gnieździe”. Cinema lover.