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Thursday 24.09

17.00 special screening/ “Nim nadejdzie świt” reż Janina Matejuk

18.00 opening of art works exhibition “Close to ourselves”

19.00 opening ceremony

19.30 – WINDOW TO THE WEST /screening “Nobody” by Dominik Czech

19.45 -20.30 – meeting with the director after screening

Friday 25.09.

12.00 – “Cult music films”, lecture by dr Damian Romaniak

screening of Main Competition films

13.00-14.15 I Block

14.15 -15.30 II Block

screening of  Senior Topic

16.00- 17.00 part1

17.00-17.15 break

17.15 -18.30 part2

20.00 GREAT CINEMA /Donbas reż Sergiej Łoźnica (116 min)

Saturday 26.09

11.00-12.30 /editing workshops

screening of Main Competition films

13.00- 14.15 IIII Block

14.15-15.15 IV Block

15.15-16.00 break V Block

18.00 -19.30 PPOLISH DOCS/ /Mów mi Marianna reż. Karolina Bielawska (75 min.)

20.00-punk concert “The Fakers”

20.15 GREAT CINEMA /projekcja filmu Sex Pistols Wściekłość i Brud, reż. Julien Temple

Sunday 27.09

11.00-13.00 drama workshops “How does the raisin taste?”

14.00 O WINDOW TO THE WEST/Pneumanautists,Początek Świata,Broken Tale, Seán Lámh reż. Paweł Kleszczewski i Katarzyna Zimnoch

15.00-16.00 POLISH DOCS/ Dziś, jutro…wczoraj… reż.Krzysztod Kadłubowski, Diana Kadłubowska (52 min.)

17.00-19.00  Meeting with Julian Zawisza – screening of the films and conversation with the director

19.00-21.00 award ceremony and screening of the winning film